Wednesday, December 24, 2008


So you’re a little tight this year. Who isn’t? The recession has hit many of us, and as it turns out people want presents for Christmas EVERY year. Fortunately there are all kinds of inexpensive ideas and suggestions for those who are on a budget this year.

I personally will be giving my sister one of the gifts from Facebook. Not the ones that you pay for, but rather one from the free gift applications. Nothing says Merry Christmas like a gift that will probably be accidentally deleted with all the other application requests.

But perhaps the person that you have in mind isn’t a member of the online social network community. Clearly they are living an Amish lifestyle and would like to be gifted as such. So that’s where I take the more civic minded approach. With the recent landslide in favor of the Democrats, I couldn’t help but notice that socialist leanings are en vogue this year. Which means that the good tax payers of your state wouldn’t mind it if you went on down to a neighboring county’s public library and checked out all the books on your friends’ and family’s Christmas list, and then never went back to that county. Or if you are feeling a little guilty about that then you can do it in your own county where you pay taxes and can morally semi-justify stealing books that your tax dollars paid for.

But if morals and ethics aren’t your thing, you can always take this time while far away from the legalistic reaches of the school network and illegally download all the music and movies that you could ever want. Plus you might even get a few free Christmas viruses thrown in as a bonus. But hey, you get what you pay for, and your recipients should be thankful that they got anything at all. Next year you’ll probably be in jail anyways, so they should enjoy it now.

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